Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Main Event....

And tonight, the main event!

Well today i should say. Considering that it is 8:18 in the morning on Christmas day. Im awake way earlier than anyone with my kind of insomnia ever should be. But i digress. The Blank Canvas. My blog, my space if you will, to write(type) my thoughts on whatever i want. What a crazy idea to think that Ms. 1 in a million would have anything interesting to say. If you only knew me, and those of you who truely do wont be shocked by this at all. Maybe i should start by explaining the title. "The Blank Canvas", its me, its you, or it could be you in this new year. A time to start over. Which is what its going to be for me, a new beginning. At least that's what I'm going to try and make it. What about you? I'm going to make this a place for answers, and opinions. If you have them, i'll take them. Of course it may end up that the only people reading this are my friends and family but who knows. Maybe you stumbled upon it while googling how to keep your ficus alive. Side note and personal opinion if you've never been able to keep a plant alive before, go with the artificial decorative plants. If you have a green thumb proceed with caution, ficus trees aren't that pretty anyways. Now on to what i have on my mind for today. It's Christmas, spend it with family. If you find that you don't have family spend it with friends. Life is too short not to spend the holidays alone, you should celebrate them all no matter what you believe in. Holidays were made to celebrate something, generally they're  celebrated with a huge group of people who all annoy each other but love but love each other despite the bickering and cheek pinching. At least that's how my holidays go. I have a giant family/extended family and let me tell ya the holidays aren't easy but i love them! Last night i spent time at my aunt B's house with my moms family. We had to move the festivities to here house because we needed the space. MiMi's living room was getting a little cramped. Our family is big, we're loud, and believe me we're obnoxious but we love each other. Which makes for a great round or two of dirty Santa. Good food, good fun, and some great presents. But all good things must come to an end and as the evening began to close, i looked around and just smiled. Taking in everything as it was. Beautiful chaos as always. Today will be a little more laid back hopefully. I'm currently at work, pulling the 6:30-2:30 p.m. so that my friend could have the morning off to spend with her daughter. So after work the festivities begin again. Christmas at Mom's with my brothers and sister, then on to Dads house to see my other sister and niece.  My bed will be calling my name when this is all said and done. But I'll love every minute of it because they're my family! So I do believe i have rambled on enough for today. Tomorrow is a new one so take it as it comes. One step at a time. Until we meet again. Have a Merry Christmas, how ever you celebrate it!